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  • Writer's pictureSamanthaRichardson

FMP Start Up Part 8: Presentation Improvements

Updated: May 22, 2020

Based on everything I have worked on up until now I have reworked my presentation so that I have now included some of the work I have been developing during this time, I have also included the pipeline I’m going to be working on, the books I have used as research, the industry’s and games that have inspired me and some ideas on what I am planning on doing in the future.

NOTE - As this is the final presentation, a video recording was taken under exam conditions. All feedback, marking and evidence will not be presented on here as per and agreement.

Even though on slide 17 I have gone through and created a lot for my character Diran I have decided to change my idea and work on something fresh for this project. On slide 18 I have introduced a new character I have been working on called Jayson who is a Tiefling, with this New idea I’m planning on working on the more myth based idea that is a lot more outlandish than the one I have done, giving me more of a chance to work features that are not all that common to a person.

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