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  • Writer's pictureSamanthaRichardson

FMP Start Up Part 2: My Project Plan

Updated: May 22, 2020

To have a clear understanding of what I would like to do towards my Final Major Project, I will be listing in bullet points the work flow I will be following to produce my end result of the project. As I will be looking to work on developing props, characters and backstories there will be sections based on the character with subcategories of what I have done to produce that once design set.


A brief brake down of what it is I will be doing and what I plan the end result would be.


looking into a range of existing game art to help me understand the work flow and what is industry standard.

Sub Category: Borderlands, Overwatch, Fallout 4, The Evil Within, Alice Madness Returns

I will be looking into these titles for my research

Character Moodboard

Sets of images I will be using to help me take influences from for my characters

Character ID

Character sheet featuring characters looks, traits, personality and requirements.

Character Backstory

Based on the ID I will write up a story using the information I have gathered

Character sketches

Based on the story and ID I will be designing the character needed to fit the story, making sure I add all the right features.

Peer feedback

Once I have done the first sketch, I will ask people of their opinions to she what improvements can be made

Character final imagine

Based on the feedback I will be making further changes to the design and cleaning up any necessary part of the drawing.

Additional item sketches

If the character uses a specialised item based on their back story such as a weapon or tool I will be doing some design that may be incorporated alongside the main sketch.


Once I am happy with the number of characters, I have made I will be doing a questionnaire to see which one people like best so that I can develop it further.

Rough sketches of changes

Based on the questionnaire I will make any additional changes if there were any specified.

3D model

I will be using Maya and Substance Painter alongside ether Mudbox or Zbrush to create a 3D model that could then be topologized, rigged and textured for a game

Peer feedback

To make sure I have followed my sketches I will be asking people to see if any tweaking needs to be done to the character

Further 3D changes

Based on the feedback I will make changes to the 3D model

3D print and hand painted

So that I can display my character and have a physical copy of my work I will look into producing it with a 3D printer and I will hand paint it with modelling paints based on the material it was used with.

This idea will be pitched to a test audience in a presentation in the future so that I can see if people are interested in the end product and look to gain feedback and tips to improve my work flow.

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