Age: 9 Years Old
Gender: Male
Height: 5ft
Species: Ovis Canadensis
Weight: 16kg
Likes:​​ Charlie & Pip, New customers & Ram buck
Dislikes:​​ Shadow Creatures
Ram is a dream traveller who visits people from around the world offering them supplies that can help scare away the shadow monsters. However, this is not free, in everyone’s dreams are hidden Ram Bucks that can be found by overcoming a fear or a difficult task. Once you are able to gain enough of these coins you can then spend them on the items at Cloud Market, each item is specially hand crafted by his friends; Jack Frost, Santa Clause, The Easter bunny, The Sandman, Dream Pirates and people in the cloud factory.
As part of his collection Ram holds closely sets of gold coins who were earned by people who overcome their most greatest fears and can face the shadow monsters on their own. Even though shadow monsters are banned from entering cloud city, some dreamer and Ram have lost some of their coins to the Emeral skull and if you can find them not only will Ram give you extra money for finding them you will also be listed as his best customer!