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Buy power-ups now with Ram Bucks

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Throughout the game you will be able to collect coins while defeating shadow monsters and solving puzzles, which will allow you to spend them in the Cloud Market to purchase power-ups to assist you during your gameplay.


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The Mattress Defender


Having trouble with those pesky shadow monsters? no need to worry! Rams got you covered, with the all new Mattress Defender. With this new weapon at your disposal you can now clear out the shadow monsters without losing a life or your grasp on time, happy hunting!

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Time Freeze


Old Jack Frost is at it again! Use this power up to call out to Jack Frost to freeze time in place to help you get those extra couple of seconds. Allowing to complete a task without any repercussions of getting it wrong. However, you need to be quick because ice melts fast!

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Room Skip


Don’t like the room you’re in? Not to worry as Ram has friends on the other side that can help you out by unlocking the door setting you free, however this can only be used once per dream.

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Flash Bang


He may be small but he’s powerful, you best friend Pip can emit a very bright light to freeze those pesky monsters in place while you can go nuts throwing pillows at them. Sending them back into the shadow realm, thanks little buddy!

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X-ray Goggles


Don’t like surprises, well Ram has just the thing for you! New from the land of magic, you can now purchase a set of x-ray goggles to let you look through to the next room to avoid any task you don’t want to face. This can be used throughout the whole dream, what will you uncover?

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Time Save


Make the laws of time yours with a time save, time is running out and you now feel a cold hand on your shoulder, call out to Mr Sandman himself to banish the monsters back into the dark and give you a head start without losing your place in the dream.

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Doubble Ram Bucks


Its pay day and Ram has a lot of nice shiny things in the shop, with this power up you can double the amount of coins you collect throughout the dream to spend in his shop. Be warned though this is a limited stock item so use it wisely.

Fancy Capes and Pillows

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Tired of wearing the same boring cape? Upgrade your wardrobe with Rams new cape & pillow fashion line complete with themes for every season, now available in cloud soft cotton!

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